A new unique book about GAZ-21 «Volga» has finally come to life — the book about legendary and almost symbolic car of soviet automobile industry , written by Ivan Paderin. The book contains multiple archive photos and facts, photos of beautifully restored cars and much more, on over 400 pages.
For me it’s a great honour to have my pictures selected from thousands of photos from Gorky Classic event for the first page (below). More photos from this event here.
Special thanks to Ivan Paderin and Nikolay Panuli for a signed copy of the book!
More information about this car you can find in Russian at www.GAZ21Volga.com
It was a long waited trip to Russia, land of soviet automobile engineering, to the Gorkiy city (nowadays — Nizhniy Novgorod).
Here in 1932 the plant GAZ was built, where the new soviet cars have been assembled.
In the end of May, during 4 days we managed to visit GAZ museum, N-ring track, where we participated «Gorky Classic» oldtimer motor show , the stage of Dzintara Volga Cup and were lucky to take part in test races on the street supercars. Photos here: